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Our Commitment to Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency remains a key focus of Cleveland-Cliffs’ environmental strategy. As an energy intensive business, it’s critical that Cliffs is a responsible energy consumer. We continue to pursue opportunities to develop our portfolio of renewable investments, and internally we recover energy from valuable byproduct gases at several of our integrated facilities. Through the DOE’s Better Plants program, Cliffs aims to increase our resilience and reduce our carbon footprint through improvements in energy efficiency. We are also an ENERGY STAR® Industrial Partner.

Spotlight: Onsite Power Generation
Many of our steel and coke production plants send byproduct blast furnace and coke oven gases to onsite power plants to recover heat and energy. We’ve made significant investments at these plants over the last several years to increase generating capacity, gain efficiencies and reduce GHG emissions. Onsite power generation accounts for at least 75% of the plants’ energy needs, and more during peak times. To learn more about these capabilities please see our annual sustainability reports.